Meditation – An Amazing Solution to All Health Problems

Mindfulness meditation Research has shown that regular practice of mindfulness meditation has beneficial effects on health. It lowers blood pressure and increases alpha and theta brainwave activity, which can help reduce stress levels. It also improves relationships and decreases loneliness. Additionally, meditation is known to improve one’s self-compassion. People who practice mindfulness meditation are more…

Things to Know About Arthritis

The swelling and pain of one or more joints are symptoms of Arthritis. Joint stiffness and pain are the primary signs of Arthritis, and these symptoms often get worse with age. Rheumatoid Arthritis & osteoarthritis are the two most prevalent kinds of Arthritis. Cartilage, the tough, slick tissue that covers the ends of bones where…

7 Amazing Seeds for Healthy Life Only 7 Tips for getting a natural, healthy glow to your face Are you a mosquito magnet? Why your soap may be to blame