How to Use a Reddit AMA to Help Non-Fiction Book Get Featured

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Have you ever wondered how to get your book in front of more people? An AMA on Reddit could be the answer. AMA’s are a great way to connect with a community, build an audience, and promote your non-fiction book.

In this post, we will take you through the preparation process, the AMA itself, and how the author leveraged the AMA for media coverage. We will also share some tips and tricks for other authors who want to use an AMA as a marketing tool for their book.

So, get ready for an inspiring story of how a Reddit AMA helped a non-fiction book reach new heights!

Prepare for the AMA 

Preparing for an AMA on Reddit can seem daunting. However, with the right strategy, it can be an incredibly effective way to promote your non-fiction book.

1- Identify Subreddit for Non-Fiction Books

First, it’s crucial to identify the right subreddit for your non-fiction book. For example, if your book is about personal finance, you should look for a subreddit dedicated to that topic. Once you have found the right subreddit, it’s vital to engage with the community before the AMA. This means answering questions, providing helpful advice, and building a relationship with the community.

2- Research Commonly Ask Questions

Next, it’s essential to research the types of questions that are commonly asked in AMAs. This will help you prepare thoughtful and engaging answers that will make your AMA stand out.

3- Craft a Compelling Story or Hook

Lastly, it’s vital to craft a compelling story or hook to attract readers. This could be a personal story, a unique angle, or something that makes your book stand out. This is your chance to showcase the value of your book and entice readers to learn more. You can look to find to hire a writer for a book and get their help with writing a story or hook.

By following these steps, you will be well-prepared for your AMA and ready to connect with a new audience for your book.

The AMA Itself

The AMA itself is where the magic happens! This is your chance to connect with a community of potential readers and showcase the value of your book.

During the AMA, the author answered a wide range of questions from the community, from the inspiration behind the book to the research process. Some questions were challenging, and others were thought-provoking, but the author was able to address all of them with honesty and authenticity.

One of the most exciting questions the author was asked was about the most important lesson they learned while writing the book. The author’s answer was not only insightful but also personal and touched the hearts of many readers.

Another highlight of the AMA was the author’s ability to share behind-the-scenes stories and anecdotes from the book that gave the readers a deeper understanding of the topic.

Overall, the AMA was a huge success, and the author was able to connect with a new audience, build a relationship with the community and promote the book in a natural and authentic way.

Leverage the AMA for Media Coverage

The AMA on Reddit was just the beginning for the author, as it opened up new doors for media coverage. The author was able to leverage the AMA to reach out to journalists and secure coverage for the book in multiple news outlets.

The author used the AMA as an opportunity to showcase the book’s unique angle and value proposition. They highlighted the key takeaways from the AMA and provided journalists with exclusive quotes and insights from the book.

The author also used the AMA as a way to build credibility and establish themselves as an authority on the topic of the book. By engaging with the community and answering questions thoughtfully, the author was able to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise.

The author also made sure to follow up with the journalists after the AMA and provided them with additional information and materials that would help in the coverage of the book.

By taking a strategic approach, the author was able to turn a Reddit AMA into a valuable marketing tool and secure media coverage for the book.

Tips to Make AMA Successful for Your Non-Fiction Book

Here are a few tips that can aid you and make your AMA even more successful:

Engage with the Community Before the AMA 

Building a relationship with the community before the AMA will help make the event more successful.

Use Visuals

Share pictures, infographics, or videos during the AMA to make it more interactive and engaging.

Offer Exclusive Content

Offer exclusive content or a special promotion to those who participate in the AMA, such as a free chapter of your non-fiction book or a discount code.

Share Your Social Media Handles and Website

Make it easy for people to bond with you and learn more about your book.

Follow up with Participants

Send a thank-you note or a follow-up email to those who participated in the AMA. It’s a great way to build a relationship and keep your book on top of your mind.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your AMA and connect with a new audience for your non-fiction book. So, don’t be afraid to give it a try and see the excellent results for yourself!


An Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Reddit can be an incredibly effective way to promote a non-fiction book. We hope this post has inspired you to consider an AMA as a marketing tool for your book. Remember, the key to a successful AMA is to engage with the community, provide valuable insights and anecdotes, and follow up with journalists after the AMA.

The author of the book featured in this post was able to turn a Reddit AMA into a valuable marketing tool and secure media coverage for the book. By taking a strategic approach and leveraging the AMA, the author was able to reach a new audience and promote the book in a natural and authentic way.

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