cat trap game

Cat Trap Unblocked Game

3 minutes, 7 seconds Read

Why are Games Good for the Brain?

Games help train the brain to improve memory and solve problems. Games are effective in keeping the brain sharp and alert especially as a person ages. When you spend a good amount of time playing games of any sort, you are basically, improving your decision-making skills, your short-term memory, and your reflex.

What is Cat Trap Game?

The cat trap game is a viral sensation right now. It has got a lot of people hooked and for good reason too. If you have never heard of the game, or want to understand how to play, you are in the right place. I will tell you how to play the game, how to download and why it is a great game.

What is The Point of the Cat Trap Game?

It’s simple really; all you have to do is corner the cat within the green hexagon grid. The cat cannot move to the dark areas of the hexagon. Therefore, the player will have to click the hexagon stripes, to darken the stripes. And when the cat is completely surrounded, the game is won.

Rules of the Game 

To trap the cat, click on the spots to darken the spots

With each attempt, the cat moves in different directions

With each attempt, you will know how close you are to trapping the cat, by the changes in the spots color.

Make sure that the cat doesn’t escape.

If the cat gets to a spot that isn’t covered, it will escape and you will lose the game. 

How To Win Every Cat Trap Game 

To win, create a strategy. When you begin, do not be in haste to put up barriers to avoid the cat from escaping. Take note of the game level, notice the clear paths, and analyze. Instead of blocking the cat’s movement by closing nearby escape routes, try and block the paths that are at a distance from the cat first.

The Best First Move For The Trap Cat Game 

The best first move is to barricade the corners and the panels. Cover the last spots in the direction of the cat’s movement. Then ensure that the cat is stuck in the panel and can’t move.

Play by Circling the Cat

Click the circles to barricade. It’s better to build a barrier from afar because the cat can squeeze through barriers that are close to it. After building a large barricade, put the circles into the barricade so that the cat has no circle to move to.

Back Storyline  of the Cat Trap Game

The two characters in the game were humans, cursed with cat ears and tails before the game began. Then they were put in a labyrinth with a lot of dangerous monsters. The cats can only change back to their human form after they have conquered the monsters.

Where Can You Find the Cat Trap Game?

To play the cat trap game, click the link below. The game is a great way to keep your day fun and triggers the brain’s sense of solution-finding. You can play for free and also download the game to play daily.

End note

The cat trap game is so fun to play and is a perfect game to play during lunch breaks, transits when you are bored, and so on. The game improves brain function and I guarantee you that if you haven’t played the cat trap game yet, it will take you one minute of playing, to get addicted. So go ahead and download or play the game right on the website. Have fun

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