hearing aids Singapore

Hearing Loss: What You Can Do About It And How To Notice It?

4 minutes, 50 seconds Read

Have you realised that your hearing isn’t as good as it used to be? In Singapore, hearing loss is a very prevalent condition that can affect both young and older adults. You genuinely have hearing issues, though; why? At our ENT specialist clinics in Singapore, we treat many patients who suffer from various forms of hearing loss, which can be brought on by ear infections, ear trauma, eardrum ruptures, noise damage, age-related hearing loss, and a variety of other ear problems. As a result, hearing aids Singapore are becoming increasingly important due to its ability to efficiently cure hearing discomfort.

It is easiest to treat when impacted earwax is the source of hearing loss. Some individuals, particularly those who regularly like to dig their ears, may unintentionally push earwax deeper into their ear canals, closing them up and resulting in temporary conductive hearing loss. Using specialised, microscopic suckers to remove the affected earwax under a microscope painlessly, micro-suctioning is utilised to remove the impacted earwax gently. As it provides instant, pleasant relief and enables you to hear appropriately once more, this is a wonderfully satisfying experience for both the ENT doctor and the patient. Many family doctors in Singapore may irrigate the ear with water. However, ENT experts don’t like to do this because we worry about underlying infections, occasionally fungal ones, or eardrum perforations that will get worse when exposed to water.

What occurs when you have an ear infection, then? You might have ear discomfort, ear blockage, or ear discharge. Bacterial, fungal, or underlying eczema, an inflammatory allergic disease of the skin within the ear canal, can cause ear infections. The mainstay of treatment for ear infections affecting the outer ear or ear canal is to have your ear cleaned thoroughly and gently by your friendly ENT specialist in Singapore, who can then apply to calm antibiotic steroid ointment inside your inflamed itchy ear canals and prescribe a course of eardrops. To ensure a thorough recovery for your poor ears, avoiding digging them and keeping them dry during the healing process is crucial. Due to frequent flare-ups of their ear ailment, chronic “ear diggers” (yes, you know who you are!) often return to our clinic for more treatments. 

In Singapore, hearing loss may result from an eardrum perforation, which may have been brought on by sinus or nasal infections that travelled up the Eustachian pressure tube and infected the eardrum. Sometimes, physical trauma, such as being struck by a foreign body or being subjected to short, intense pressure waves, can rupture the eardrum, as can happen when an explosion or loud blast is close. Direct impact, such as falling into the water when swimming or diving, can also cause the eardrum to be badly punctured or bruised, which can cause conductive hearing loss. To effectively avoid an infection in the middle ear, the eardrum must be in good condition. It is far less probable that your perforated eardrum will mend on its own down the road if it hasn’t healed in 6–8 weeks. Therefore you should think about having it surgically fixed. The surgical operation, known as a myringoplasty or tympanoplasty, may be completed in a single day and involves patching up the perforated eardrum with a healthy piece of tissue known as a “transplant.” 

Due to repeated exposure to loud or prolonged noise through their headphones, such as when listening to music, many young individuals may already have underlying hearing loss. Many participants in the present Covid scenario participate in online meetings from their homes while wearing headphones for extended periods each day. We’ve noticed a sudden rise in the number of patients seeking treatment for hearing loss and tinnitus, which leads me to believe that frequent use of earphones that are inserted into the ear canals and blast sound for a few hours each day is what is irritating the inner ear nerve endings and causing tinnitus and hearing loss, i.e. either hearing loss or ear injury brought on by noise. Since internal ear damage from noise is frequently irreparable and permanent, prevention is always preferable.

Many of us endure tinnitus or minor hearing loss as we age, starting in our forties. Degenerative factors, including decreased blood supply to the inner ear and atrophy or weakening of the internal ear nerve endings, are the main reasons for hearing loss that develops with age. Due to the higher frequencies of our hearing spectrum are more susceptible to age-related hearing loss, so you may have trouble hearing in noisy environments when listening to music or watching TV. Additionally, you could start to lose out on some conversational details, mainly when consonants are involved (such as the sounds “p,” “sss,” “th,” and “t”, for example). That may be reasonably embarrassing socially, which makes the deaf or hard of hearing individual more unwilling to engage in social activities, leading to a greater risk of depression and dementia with an early start. 

Acoustic neuromas or vestibular schwannomas are uncommon benign inner ear nerve tumours that can cause hearing loss in Singapore. Tinnitus or hearing loss is frequently the first symptom to manifest; however, vertigo can also happen. Due to its tendency to damage one ear’s hearing, such individuals require an MRI scan of their inner ear to check for an acoustic neuroma. The neuroma’s size, rate of development, the patient’s age, and the degree of hearing loss will all affect the subsequent course of therapy. Many instances may be conservatively managed with yearly MRI scans, but neuromas that don’t stop growing need to be removed surgically or with “gamma knife” radiation. 

In conclusion, it’s essential not to overlook hearing loss and to visit a top ENT doctor in Singapore as soon as possible to diagnose and treat it appropriately.

Article published by Seoslog.com

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