black dhaga in leg

Wearing of Black Thread On Ankle

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According to astrology, tying a black thread on the left leg is considered very beneficial and protective, but a man should tie a black thread on his right leg on Tuesday.

This sadhana is said to be performed for both men and women depending on the zodiac sign. It is said that tying a thread on your left leg will help you in case of an accident or when you feel in danger.

Who should not wear black thread

According to Vedic astrology, people born in the zodiac signs of Aries and Scorpio must wear Karadaga and may face problems in life. It is said to evoke a feeling of fear and fear. Therefore, people of these zodiac signs should refrain from wearing black thread, which not only magnifies the evil eye but also Saturn. According to astrology, the two zodiac signs favour the black thread.

Importance of Wearing Black Thread

Wearing a black thread on the leg is an ancient custom practised in many cultures. It is believed that wearing a black thread protects against bad luck and evil spirits. Some also believe that wearing a black thread makes them more attractive to others. Wearing a black thread on the leg has been worn by women for centuries as a symbol of empowerment. In this article, we will discuss all the important facts about wearing black thread on your feet. Tying a newborn baby’s feet with a black thread is still a tradition in Western customs today. People believe that wearing this thread will protect the newborn baby from evil spirits. Wearing black thread has many more benefits.

Before wearing black thread keep these points in mind

1. After tying the knot, tighten the black thread.

2. The black thread should be worn in an auspicious muhurta like Abhijit or Brahma Muhrat after energizing with mantra. An experienced astrologer is required as the mantras must be repeated considering transits and directions.

3. Tie black thread around the body part in 2, 4, 6, or 8 circles.

4. Do not use black thread if you already have a red or yellow thread on your hand.

5. Saturday is considered auspicious for tying black threads. 6. Black signifies Lord Shani, so it should only be worn after analyzing it and planetary alignments or subduing malevolent planets.

7. You can also tie a black thread and a lemon in front of your house to ward off evil spirits.

8. Wearing a black thread blessed by Lord Hanuman around your neck will help you fight sickness and disease. Useful for adolescents with low immunity.

Benefits of wearing the black thread

The custom of tying black threads on the feet dates back to our ancestors. According to the scriptures, wearing black thread has some advantages in all respects. It makes a wonderful improvement in a person’s life, especially when it is tied at the all-important foot. , which is very important in most cases. People actually think that if a child wears it, it will inherently protect them from the evil eye in a very big way. There are literally more benefits to wearing a true black thread. Either way, keep reading to learn more. This is very important.

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