Descriptive Essay On Beauty Of Nature: 747 Words

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The beauty in this world is immense but nothing is comparable to the beauty of nature. Nature holds the upper hand in everything, from mountains to oceans, from ground to sky. Nothing is as beautiful as the natural beauty that provides long-term stress relief. If you’re looking to stand out in your personal statement, consider using a Personal Statement Writing Service to help bring your story to life.

Descriptive Essay On Beauty of Nature

Nature holds an infinite amount of beauty that is sometimes hidden and most visible to the naked eye. As we are observing what is so beautiful around us, all we see is nature, and anything or everything is attached to it.

Though seeing the beauty with your own eyes is priceless but writing a descriptive essay on beauty of nature is also a privilege for me. Waking up early in the morning just to have a look at the rising sun provides satisfaction beyond the explanation in my writing.

I live on a hilltop and every six ‘o clock I went for a morning jog. At this time, I can see many frogs leap jumping out of ponds. Seeing the green spotted color of the frogs makes me wonder how to write descriptive essay examples.

The lush green grass outside my garden provides a much-needed gratification. As I jog towards the downhill to the community park, I see the apple trees, some orange trees, and many trees of dates fruit.

On the other hand, my sweatshirt is completely soaked in perspiration. After I reached the park I see how nature has produced squirrels playing on the trees, I forget about sweating wet shirts and love nature-induced happiness.

Fragrance Of Flowers

The fragrance of roses, lilies, lavender, and lilacs gives my lungs perfumed air to breathe. Along with fresh oxygen for keeping me healthy. I indulge myself completely in nature for creating perfect essay writing.

On my way back I always sit on the hilltop rocks, seeing the sunrise at exactly seven o’clock soothes my soul. Due to being an introvert, I secluded myself with only a nature-loving personality.

On my fishing trip, I went to “Lake Tahoe” in Nevada and saw the marvels of beautiful nature. I have captured “Sockeye Salmon” and “Brown Trout” and the color of the lake is green emerald.

Nature Role

Nature has played such a big role in creating the beauty around us. If you look at the extent of oceans they are so vast. With the latest technology of today’s gadgets and GPS, it takes many days to pinpoint or find a stranded ship or personnel.

Nature has given us coral reefs that protect the coastlines and are even sources of herbal medication. Coral reefs also play a vital role in the marine ecosystem. Scuba diving provides deep insight and a first-hand look at these reefs.

It really makes you wonder how the shocking pink, lavender purple, and golden brown colors are so magnificent and a perfect fit for oceans. As well as the blue or green color of the ocean water provides a glamorous and romantic look if seen from above.

Mountains also form the detachable part of natural beauty. From hundreds and thousands of feet above the ground, they provide the ultimate creativity of natural beauty. Some of the mountains are the highest in the world for example Mount Everest and K-2 etc.

My close friend who did summit the K-2 mountain told me a beautiful descriptive essay on the beauty of nature by one mountaineer. He said on the top of the mountain when you see the whole world below the top, you get to appreciate nature in a more distinctive way.

Cameron Highlands

Once I visited the Tea plantations in Malaysia, known as “Cameron Highlands”. That visit presented a one-of-a-kind experience to observe natural beauty. The land was covered in Tea plantations and from miles, you can smell the aroma of Tea.

Nature has given us many things to consider. We always find materialistic things more appealing but how the natural beauty is given for free to all of us. Humans cater to their egos and their love for dispensable things has seen nature being put to the back of their priority list.

How this beauty of nature is ignored by any means possible by us is a big moment of shock? We are spending hundreds if not thousands to enjoy virtual reality and games. On the other hand, nature was free and will always be free of cost which we continue to ignore even today.


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