5 Ways the CenturyPromise App Is the Best for Catching Counterfeit Plywood

2 minutes, 47 seconds Read

The house of CenturyPly has developed a smartphone app to check the genuineness of the plywood sheets you purchase from a local contractor. With this app, customers can assure themselves about the authenticity and features of the sheet by confirming the authenticity of the product they have purchased.

This software allows consumers, distributors, wholesalers, shopkeepers, and contractors to generate and get an e- warranty certificate for their products and to review the specs of the product. These specifications include

  • Name of the product
  • Various technologies (including boiling-water proofing, boiling-water resistance, flame resistance, termite and borer proofing, and Virokill technology) are embedded in the product.
  • Date of Manufacturing
  • The dimension of the product

The users of this smart mobile application can benefit from its diverse features. The app helps users manage their money with ease and transparency.

In this article, we will walk you through 5 ways in which the Century Promise App helps you catch counterfeit plywood.

  1. It is very easy to label a fake product as a branded one. Many counterfeit products are being sold in the name of CenturyPly. To address this issue, each CenturyPly product has a unique QR code that informs customers whether the product is made by the company or not. In this way, the customers are assured that they are buying a genuine product made by the house of CenturyPly.
  2. Every product of CenturyPly has a brand name. Each brand has its distinct qualities and prices, and if the seller is selling you an inexpensive product while claiming that it is a premium product, you will end up paying more for something worth less. Hence, by using the CenturyPromise app, you will pay the right amount for the right product from the House of CenturyPly.
  3. CenturyPly manufactures a wide range of products with numerous features. If the vendor is telling you that a specific product has a specific feature, you can determine if the seller is telling the truth or not. If the feature mentioned by the seller does not match the information in the app, you can protect yourself from buying counterfeit plywood.
  4. The app gives an E-warranty certificate only for the genuine product made by the House of CenturyPly. If the product is not genuine, then the app will not generate this certificate. This is another indication that tells you if the product is authentic or not.
  5. It is a common practice in the retail market to sell old products. What retailers do is refurbish the defective or rejected products that were meant to be returned to the company. These products are sold to unsuspecting customers. However, using the CenturyPromise app, you can determine the date of manufacture as well as whether the product is intended to be returned to the company.

Final Overview

The app has an algorithm that automatically detects if a warranty has been claimed for a specific product. In conclusion, you no longer need to depend on the seller’s statements thanks to this application. Rather, by being fully informed about the plywood, you can Check Plywood Authenticity and assess the value of the sheet for yourself. The E- warranty certificate generated through the app will help you claim a warranty if the product is defective. Check out the app’s features right away by downloading it. Conduct a thorough online research to learn more about this premium app.

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