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Temperature measurement is essential in many industries. For example, temperature measurement has a major role in the food, chemical, and semiconductor industries. Also, temperature control is important in the petroleum industry, power generation, building ventilation, and other industrial applications. The main components of a temperature measurement system include the temperature sensor, temperature controller, power supply, and temperature logger. The temperature sensor is the most important component of a temperature measurement system because it determines the temperature of the sample. It is typically a thermocouple, thermistor, or thermal imaging sensor. Depending on the application, the temperature controller may be a programmable temperature controller or a PID controller. The temperature logger records the temperature of the sample. Since there are many different types of temperature sensors, it is important to choose the right type for each application. The type of temperature sensor you choose depends on many factors, including the material you need to measure and the temperature range you need to measure. There are also many different ways to measure temperature. The one you choose depends on your temperature sensor and what you want to measure. The main purpose of measuring the temperature is to measure how hot something is getting so you can take appropriate preventive measures. It is often used in industrial settings where high temperatures are present such as foundry operations, metal fabrication, power plants, etc. The high temperature pyrometer is widely used in industrial projects worldwide with high demand. The instruments are suitable for a wide range of industrial applications such as cryogenic cooling, heating, desalination, industrial ovens, curing, mantles and other industrial applications where temperature control is required. It delivers high accuracy in day-to-day measurement and is ideal for use in harsh or industrial environments in chemical, process industries or any other demanding applications. 

What are the features? 

  1. The high temperature pyrometer is a portable two colour thermocouple pyrometer with a dual-channel recording capability for measuring temperatures between 600°C to 2500°C in demanding industrial applications. It is equipped with a dual-channel recording system that lets the user record two different temperature values: one raw and one corrected temperature value. 
  1. Temperature data can be analysed in various ways using time and date identifiers. Up to 1000 readings can be logged and stored. 
  1. With just one touch of the probe tip to the target surface, the temperature is immediately displayed on the OLED display (and stored). 
  1. A manufacturing facility can use non-contact infrared pyrometers to continuously monitor product temperature and alert operators when the desired range is exceeded. 
  1. When measuring extremely hot materials, non-contact infrared pyrometers are advantageous because they do not transfer heat to the surface, which might skew the results. By eliminating the need to touch the surface, non-contact infrared pyrometers are less prone to contamination and produce more accurate measurements.  
  1. Because they do not transfer heat to the surface, non-contact sensors are less costly and more dependable than contact sensors. When the sensor must be located far from the target, a non-contact sensor may be the only choice. 

Summary: There are a variety of high-temperature pyrometers from Accurate sensors to meet customers’ needs. Because it precisely measures the temperature at which an item is burning, it is very helpful. Because they accurately measure temperatures at high temperatures in process plants and manufacturing facilities, Accurate sensors pyrometers are best. Their rugged design and long-term stability make them particularly suitable for demanding environments.

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