Unfair Dismissal Claims

Everything You Need To Know About Unfair Dismissal Claims

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In the complex world of employment law, unfair dismissal claims can be a significant concern for both employees and employers. When an employee believes they have been unfairly dismissed from their job, they have the right to seek legal support to protect their rights. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of unfair dismissal claims and the importance of employment lawyers in Perth.

Understanding Unfair Dismissal Claims

Unfair dismissal refers to the termination of an employee’s contract in a manner that is considered unjust, unreasonable, or lacking in proper procedure. To bring a claim, employees must meet certain criteria, such as having completed a minimum employment period of six months (or 12 months for small businesses). However, some categories of employees, such as casual workers, may not be eligible to file unfair dismissal claims.

Reasons for Unfair Dismissal Claims

a. Discrimination: If an employee believes they were dismissed due to their race, gender, age, disability, or any other protected attribute, they may have grounds for an unfair dismissal claim.

b. Harassment: If an employee experienced ongoing harassment or bullying that led to their dismissal, they may have a valid claim.

c. Lack of procedural fairness: Employers are expected to follow a fair and reasonable process when dismissing an employee. Failure to provide sufficient notice, opportunity to respond, or access to support during the process can contribute to an unfair dismissal claim.

d. Constructive dismissal: This occurs when an employer creates an intolerable work environment, leading the employee to resign involuntarily. In such cases, the employee can still bring a claim for unfair dismissal.

The Role of Employment Lawyers in Perth

When faced with an unfair dismissal claim, it is crucial to seek the guidance of an experienced employment lawyer. Employment lawyers specialize in labor and employment law and have a deep understanding of the legal complexities surrounding dismissal cases. In Perth, several reputable law firms and legal professionals offer their expertise in handling unfair dismissal claims.

These employment lawyers can assist both employees and employers in various ways:

a. Legal advice: Employment lawyers can provide tailored legal advice to employees who believe they have been unfairly dismissed. They can evaluate the circumstances, review employment contracts, and determine the viability of a claim.

b. Document preparation: Employment lawyers can help employees gather relevant evidence and prepare the necessary documentation to support their unfair dismissal claim. This includes collecting witness statements, reviewing employment records, and documenting any instances of discrimination, harassment, or procedural irregularities.

c. Representation: Employment lawyers can represent employees throughout the entire unfair dismissal process. They can negotiate with the employer, engage in settlement discussions, and, if necessary, advocate for their clients in court or during alternative dispute resolution proceedings.

d. Employer guidance: Employment lawyers can also assist employers in navigating the legal landscape surrounding unfair dismissal claims. They can provide guidance on proper dismissal procedures, help develop employment policies and contracts, and offer advice on how to mitigate the risk of unfair dismissal claims.

Finding the Best Legal Counselor in Perth

When seeking the best legal counselor in Perth to handle an unfair dismissal claim, it is essential to consider the following factors:

a.Experience: Look for employment lawyers who have significant experience in handling unfair dismissal claims. Check their track record, client testimonials, and the number of cases they have successfully resolved.

b. Expertise: Ensure that the legal counselor specializes in employment law and has in-depth knowledge of unfair dismissal legislation. A lawyer with expertise in this area will be better equipped to handle your case effectively.

c. Communication: Building a strong working relationship with your legal counselor is crucial. Look for someone who communicates clearly, listens attentively, and shows empathy toward your situation.

d. Affordability: Consider the lawyer’s fee structure and whether they offer flexible payment options. It is advisable to discuss fees upfront to avoid any surprises later.

e. Recommendations and referrals: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who may have had positive experiences with employment lawyers in Perth. Online reviews and professional networks can also provide valuable insights.


Unfair dismissal claims can have a significant impact on both employees and employers. Understanding the complexities of these claims and seeking the guidance of experienced employment lawyers in Perth is crucial for protecting one’s rights and achieving a fair resolution. By finding the best legal counselor who specializes in unfair dismissal cases, individuals can navigate the legal process with confidence, increasing their chances of obtaining a favorable outcome. Remember, when faced with an unfair dismissal situation, seeking legal advice is key to protecting your rights and seeking the justice you deserve.

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