
Upcoming Intakes to Study Abroad for International Students

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Are you interested in knowing upcoming intakes to study abroad?

Studying abroad is an enriching experience that can provide students with the opportunity to:

  • Learn about different cultures
  • Gain valuable skills and knowledge.
  • Broaden their horizons

While studying abroad may seem daunting, the process is much easier than it may seem. In this article, we will discuss the upcoming intakes to study abroad for international students.

Fall Intake

The fall intake is the most popular time for international students, including those from Bhutan, to begin their studies abroad. As many universities and colleges in the United States and Europe start their academic year in September or October. If you are a student from Bhutan interested in studying abroad, you may consider working with educational consultants in Bhutan. They can provide guidance on the application process . The fall semester typically runs from September to December or January, depending on the institution. Many schools offer courses that are designed specifically for international students. It helps them adjust to their new environment and get acclimated to the culture.

One of the benefits of the fall intakes to study abroad is that students have more time to apply for scholarships, grants, and other financial aid opportunities. Additionally, fall is a great time to study abroad because it is often the most affordable. Many universities offer discounted rates for international students who start their studies in the fall. It can help to offset some of the costs associated with studying abroad.

Winter Intake

The winter intake is a less common time for international students to begin their studies abroad. But it is still an option for those who are interested. The winter semester typically runs from January to April, depending on the institution. This intake is particularly popular in Australia and New Zealand, where the academic year runs from February to November.

One of the benefits of the winter intakes to study abroad is that it allows students to avoid the crowds that often come with the fall intake. Additionally, winter is a great time to study abroad for those who prefer cooler weather or who are curious in winter sports. However, it is important to note that some courses may not be available during the winter semester, so students should carefully review the course offerings before committing to this intake.

Spring Intake

The spring intake is another popular time for international students to begin their studies abroad. This intake typically runs from January to May or June, depending on the institution. Many of universities in the United States and Europe offer courses that are specifically designed for international students

Benefits of the spring intake is that it allows students to take advantage of the warmer weather and longer days. Many universities offer discounted rates for international students who start their studies in the spring. It can help to offset some of the costs associated with studying abroad.

Summer Intake

To study in Canada for Bhutanese students during the summer, it is important to research various universities and their programs. This can help you to find the best fit for your academic goals and personal interests.

Summer intake also allows students to take advantage of the warmer weather and longer days. Additionally, summer study abroad programs often include unique opportunities, such as language immersion programs or field research opportunities.


Studying abroad is a life-changing experience that can provide students with the opportunity to broaden their horizons, gain valuable skills and knowledge. Whether you choose to begin your studies in all season, there are many opportunities available to help you achieve your academic and personal goals.

It is important to carefully consider your options and review the course offerings at each institution before committing to a particular intake. With the right planning and preparation, studying abroad can be an incredibly rewarding experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

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