7 Marketing Trends to Jump on in 2023

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When I think about what marketing trends are coming in the next 12 months, I’m reminded of how far we’ve come since the early days of Google and Facebook. Back in the day, if you wanted to get your message out there, all you had to do was find a way to pay for ads on someone else’s website. It was easy money without any real risk—at least until someone figured out that this wasn’t actually a good idea. Nowadays, though? We’re living through an exciting time! There are new technology advancements happening every day that can help improve your business—and they all have one thing in common: they’re going to be really expensive.

1. Voice search optimization

Voice search is the future. It’s another way to find information on the internet, and it’s growing rapidly.

  • Optimize your website for voice search: To optimize your website for voice search, you need to make sure that each page has an easy-to-use navigation bar that includes links to pages with important content. You also need to have a clear call-to-action at the end of every page so people know what action they should take next after reading through everything on that particular page. This will help increase conversions from visitors who may not have read everything else on the site yet but want something specific (like buying something) instead of doing nothing at all because they don’t know where else they can go next within its structure.*
  • Optimize content for voice searches: When writing articles or blog posts about specific topics related specifically towards those topics then consider adding keywords related directly towards these types of topics throughout them so when someone types in these words into Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP) results page such as “how do I” meaning “how do I” give me some instructions as well as include links back up top where other articles containing more instructions might be found if one happens upon them accidentally while searching around online looking for answers related specifically towards those same questions being asked themselves!”

2. Programmatic advertising

Programmatic advertising is a form of digital advertising that uses technology to automate the buying and placement of ads. This can be done through targeting, measurement and attribution (how a campaign is measured), or directly bidding on the user’s behavior.

Programmatic advertising can be automated but it isn’t necessarily an automated decision. For example, you might have a process where users are shown different ad experiences based on their interests or preferences; this may involve reviewing data about them in order to make these decisions.

3. ABM in B2B

ABM is a marketing strategy that focuses on one customer at a time. It’s a great way to build long-term relationships with your customers, because you can get more value out of your marketing budget by focusing on fewer prospects and making sure they know exactly what they need from you.

4. Interactive content

Interactive content is a great way to engage your audience. It can be used in many ways, such as quizzes and polls, which allow you to collect information about your audience. These interactive elements are also helpful in helping you understand the type of person that you’re targeting with a particular marketing campaign or product launch.

Here are some examples of interactive content:

  • A quiz where users can submit their answers and see how they compare with others’ results;
  • A poll where users can vote on what they think should happen next after reading an article;
  • A survey where users answer questions based on what they’ve read so far (e-commerce sites like Etsy use this kind of technique).

5. Augmented reality technology

Augmented reality (AR) is a key part of the future of marketing. As technology continues to evolve and improve, so will AR.

The potential for AR in marketing today is limitless, but it’s more than just cool visual effects; there are many ways you can use AR in your marketing today. For example:

  • An augmented reality app lets you view your products from different angles before buying them. You can easily see if they’ll fit into your home or office space without having to actually go pick them up yourself—or worse yet, try them on! This helps avoid impulse purchases that waste money on items that aren’t right for you instead of helping improve profits by selling more things at higher margins.*
  • A brand ambassador program lets consumers get closer looks at their favorite brands’ products through photos taken by influencers around the world using mobile cameras connected wirelessly via Wi-Fi networks.* This allows Business Marketing like Nike or Adidas to reach out directly with customized offers based solely on what someone likes about an item (e.g., color scheme) instead of relying solely on expensive traditional advertising channels like television commercials.*

6. Virtual reality technology

Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors. The name can refer to several different things:

  • Virtual reality headsets
  • Virtual worlds
  • Simulations

7. Chatbots

Chatbots are like virtual assistants that you can talk to in order to access information or make purchases. They’re easy-to-use, and they have the potential to become a huge part of our lives.

Chatbots are already being used by companies like Amazon and Google, but there’s no reason why you can’t start using them too! Try using chatbots on social media platforms such as Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp if your business doesn’t yet offer one of its own. You might also want to think about creating your own chatbot if none exists already—you don’t need any special skills or programming knowledge; just start talking like you would normally speak with customers (and even then there will still be some flexibility).

There are some cool new technologies you can try out to help your marketing this year.

You can also use these technologies to help your marketing efforts.

  • Voice search optimization: If you have a lot of online users, voice search is an excellent way to get them directly into your website. You should make sure that all pages are optimized for voice search and that there are no errors or typos on those pages. You can also use Google’s reCAPTCHA service or Amazon Polly if you have trouble with bots reading the content from their screens.
  • Programmatic advertising: Programmatic advertising allows companies to reach out to potential customers through digital channels without having to pay for each individual ad impression as well as allowing them more control over where they spend their money since they do not need human intervention every time someone clicks an ad (or doesn’t). This will allow brands like yours more flexibility when deciding how much money should be spent on marketing activities such as social media ads versus paid media vs organic SEO strategies; this makes it easier because now everything needs fewer resources instead just one person who knows what needs done today! The key here is finding balance between spending too little while risking losing out entirely; doing too much might result in wasting valuable resources due its lack of strategic planning making things harder than necessary.”


The future is bright, friends! There are so many exciting developments in the marketing world right now that we can’t wait to see what 2022 holds for us. From voice search optimization to programmatic advertising and augmented reality technology, we hope these trends help you find new ways to reach your audience and sell more products or services.

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