7 Amazing Seeds for Healthy Life

Red Section Separator

A great source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein and antioxidants. They can improve heart health, digestion and blood sugar control

Chia Seeds

Red Section Separator

Extremely high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. They can reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol and improve gut health.


Red Section Separator

Contain protein, fiber, omega-3s and various minerals. They can boost heart health, strengthen bones and improve digestion.

Hemp Seeds

Red Section Separator

Loaded with magnesium, zinc, antioxidants and healthy fats. They can enhance immunity, heart health, mood and prostate health.

Pumpkin Seeds

Red Section Separator

High in vitamin E, selenium, magnesium and monounsaturated fats. They may reduce cholesterol, inflammation and blood pressure.

Sunflower Seeds

Red Section Separator

An excellent source of copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium and fiber. They can build stronger bones, reduce PMS symptoms and protect the liver.

Sesame Seeds

Red Section Separator

The best source of soluble fiber which can aid digestion, improve gut health and help with weight loss. They also reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Psyllium Seeds

Incorporating a variety of these highly nutritious seeds into your diet can provide great health benefits over the long run. They make tasty and crunchy additions to salads, yogurt, oatmeal and smoothies.


Cream Section Separator