QR Codes In Marketing Campaign And Advertising

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In the world of marketing and advertising, QR codes are becoming increasingly commonplace. In the end, they offer a convenient method to connect the physical to the digital in a single straightforward step, and consumers continue to find them intriguing. Consumers can’t help but wonder where the enchanted QR code will take them since they can’t help but be curious. The problem is that the vast majority of QR codes do not fulfill that implicit promise in a satisfactory manner. Frankly speaking, this will render QR codes useless for the skilled marketers who are among us.

In light of this development, I would like to present you with seven things to ponder before you decide whether or not to implement QR codes into all of your marketing efforts.

What are we trying to accomplish?

Do not allow yourself to be sidetracked by the glistening new object. It is not necessary to make use of a QR code just because you possess the capability to do so. Your campaign absolutely needs to have a goal in addition to distinct, measurable objectives, as is common knowledge among competent marketers. The same can be said about the utilization of QR codes. If you do not have a distinct goal in mind for including a QR code in your campaign, then it is highly recommended that you do not do so.

How do you plan to evaluate your level of success?

After you have determined what you wish to accomplish with your QR code campaign, the next step is to define the metrics that will be used to evaluate its level of success. Utilizing QR codes’ capacity to perform advanced metrics is one of the most significant benefits of doing so. Using tagging systems, you will be able to easily collect information on when and where your QR code was scanned, as well as the sort of device that was used to scan it. Additionally, customers will be able to opt in to receiving email or text message marketing campaigns using these systems. This provides even another layer of data that helps make the argument for a campaign’s return on investment (ROI).

Who are you trying to reach?

Have you given any thought to the individuals who are scanning QR codes and then compared that group to the people you want to reach? According to Neilsen’s reports,

There are smartphones in the hands of 62% of people aged 25 to 34.

Adults in the age range of 55 to 64 years old make up the subset of smartphone users that is rising at the highest rate.

Teenagers have the lowest rate of smartphone adoption compared to other age groups.

Carry out the necessary research to establish whether or not your intended audience finds QR codes to be useful.

Where exactly are you going to take them?

Content is king. If you do not have a wonderful adventure planned for the customer, then you should just leave them alone. The use of QR codes presents an opportunity to broaden the scope of the customer experience and advance customers further along the engagement journey. They have just gone to the trouble of interacting with your marketing; obviously, you have their attention. Don’t let them down by sending them to some pointless website or sending them meaningless messages over and over again. Give them something that will enrich their lives as a reward for the efforts that they have put in.

Is there a prompt for action to be taken?

You were successful in grabbing the attention of the consumer, and you directed them to an online platform for further engagement; now what? What is it that you would like them to do next? In order to keep the momentum going and to proceed with the journey, there needs to be a call to action. It is time to start thinking about how you want to engage the consumer on a more active level.

Does it fit?

When you first start designing something, you should give some thought to your QR code. QR codes are not exactly the most attractive design features, and if you ask your design team to slap one onto an existing design, they are not going to be particularly happy about it. If you are serious about making good use of a QR code, then you should make sure that it is front and center in the creative design from the very beginning.

How long does it live for?

The brilliance of a QR code lies in the fact that it enables businesses to send customers to a new piece of information without requiring customers to manually update their codes. Because of this, you will have the ability to alter the path that a customer takes over time and extend the duration of a campaign. You may encourage customers to become repeat scanners and expand the number of opportunities for them to engage with your brand if you provide fresh content on a regular basis.

Incorporating QR codes into marketing efforts is beneficial for companies that have a compelling tale to tell and the capacity to change paradigms away from being brand-centric and more toward being consumer-centric. When implemented correctly, QR codes have the potential to amplify marketing messages, increase customer loyalty to brands, and motivate customers to take action. If you feel after asking yourself these seven questions that having a QR code would benefit your business, then you should definitely get one! In that case, could you kindly refrain from breaking the brand-new, sparkling toy for the rest of us?

Source: marketing campaign , marketing campaign examples

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